6 Saline Students Attend National Leadership Conference


Students from FFA chapters across Michigan attended the 212° and 360° Leadership Conferences.

Grace Popa, Kaitlyn Higgins, Amanda Jedele, Sydney Masters, Emily Finkbeiner, and Annie Rothfuss, members of the Saline FFA Chapter, attended the event November 8-9, 2018 in Lansing, MI.

212° - the temperature at which water boils – focuses on taking students to the boiling point of leadership. At 211° water is extremely hot, but just one more degree gets us to the next level. The two-day 212° Leadership Conference is focused on student development and helps FFA members become aware of personal growth. FFA members attended sessions on making positive decisions, setting SMART goals and taking steps towards self-improvement. These sessions are intended for 7th-10th Graders.

360° - takes students full circle in terms of chapter leadership. The two-day 360° conference is focused on the importance of influence and how to become an influential leader. Students spent their time in sessions understanding the importance of influence, conducting a chapter needs assessment, crafting an influence plan for their local FFA chapter and developing a strategy to make an influence. These sessions are intended for 11th and 12th Graders.

The National FFA Organization provides leadership, personal growth and career success training through agricultural education to 649,355 student members who belong to one of 7,859 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The organization is also supported by 225,891 alumni members in 1,934 alumni chapters throughout the U.S.

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