Irish Fiddler Kevin Burke Fills in for Jeremy Kittel at Fiddler's Hometown Show


The Saline Fiddlers Philharmonic perform in their annual Hometown Concert at 7 p.m., April 14, at Saline High School. But famous Fiddler alumni Jeremy Kittel, originally booked for the show, won't join them. Kittel suffered a broken arm and can not perform.

Fiddle fans fear not. 

"We are very pleased to announce that legendary Irish fiddler Kevin Burke will be our featured artist!  Kevin Burke is considered one of the finest living Irish fiddlers," said Drew Hart, executive director of Saline's youth fiddling group.

For nearly four decades he has been at the forefront of Irish traditional music and Celtic music, performing and recording with the seminal groups The Bothy Band, Patrick Street, and the Celtic FiddleFestival.  Burke has been awarded a National Heritage Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, the highest honor given in the United States for folk and traditional arts.

Tickets are available online.

The Saline Fiddlers Philharmonic 2018 Hometown Show will set the stage for the group's upcoming “Lake Effect Tour” across the great lakes region. After opening performances by the middle school fiddle clubs, the Saline Fiddlers will present their energetic and polished show that features a diverse range of music from American folk, fiddle, bluegrass, jazz, western swing, and Celtic traditions. Spirited vocals and Appalachian step dancing combine with the instrumentals to create an unforgettable live performance. After a short intermission Kevin Burke takes the stage.

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