In a 5–0 vote, township officials voted to uphold the values and culture of rural Saline Township by supporting MCL 333.27101, declaring that Medical Marijuana facilities will not be allowed to operate within the geographic boundaries of Saline Township. MCL 333.27101, the Michigan Marijuana Facility Licensing Act, states “under the Act, a municipality is not required to accept or permit any such facility and that a municipality must affirmatively opt-in if it desires to permit such facilities within its borders.” While discussing the resolution, each board member asserted their opposition to allowing marijuana processing facilities within Saline Township.
In other Township business, the board approved a contract with the company Fleis and Vanderbrick to conduct the annual gravel pit inspections that are required by the State of Michigan. Board Supervisor Jim Marion spoke in favor in the contract, saying “the company had conducted the inspections on behalf of the township in the past and had done a good job.”
Township officials announced a meeting on Thursday, 01-12-2018 at 11am with Roy Townsend, Managing Director of the Washtenaw County Road Commission, to discuss different approaches to managing needed bridge repairs to the township’s older bridges. The closure or roads while waiting for bridge repair work to begin causes hardships of local farmers and township officials seek to get a quicker resolution to the bridge repair work.
The township board announced they would be meeting in early February to begin their FY18 budget discussions.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.