York Township is hosting an open house on a proposed nonmotorized path for Willis Road.
The open house takes place at 7:30 p.m., Jan. 9, at the York Township Hall.
The goal is to create a safe and convenient pathway for people to enjoy outdoor activities, take walks or bike rides.
In 2001, York Township studied the feasibility of a nonmotorized path in the township.
Participants in roundtable sessions came to a consensus for the implementation of a bikeway along Willis Road, serving the largest portion of the population. There was less support for a path along Platt Road, and less for Carpenter Road since it is a truck route.
The townships nonmotorized committee has continued to work on the initiative. The committee believes the path will promote safety, provide for fun and fitness, increase property values and help build community by bringing people together.
York Township Hall
11560 Stony Creek Road
Milan, MI 48160
United States