
(Letter submitted by Libby Williams)
I’m writing to express my concern about Saline’s local government, specifically their lack of awareness. It has become increasingly apparent this past year that the Mayor and members of the City Council have either been out of touch with the wants and needs of the people of Saline, or feel they know better than their constituents. Let me provide some examples:
A large number of people spoke at the September 18, 2023 city council meeting regarding the consolidation of Saline’s police dispatch with Washtenaw County. Their concerns were not solely about the issue at hand, but also the lack of transparency leading up to the vote. Community members stated they were poorly informed about public meetings involving the outsourcing, and should’ve had better information disseminated to the public.
Mayor Marl adamantly insisted that there was plenty of notice given to the community. He even berated a member of the public, informing her “she is in the audience, which is derived from the Latin ‘to listen.’” This was a missed opportunity for council to listen to their concerns and respond with ideas to better convey information in the future.
At this same meeting, Council was asked by the city clerk for a vote to join the Washtenaw County voting consortium to ease the burden of the nine-day early voting mandate as required by the new law subsequent to Proposal 2.
Council member Jack Ceo responded with, “Who’s the knucklehead that proposed this legislation in our state?” He later doubles-down, and states “I would compel my colleagues and everybody out there in the audience to talk to your congressperson [state representative] about how in the hell did this happen?”
Mayor Pro Tem Dillon recalled at a Michigan Municipal League (MML) conference, she and “a room full of electeds [sic] sat there sort of slack-jawed going, ‘what did we do?’…I don’t think we totally understood what we were doing when this was voted in.”
Council member Nicole Rice assured the dais that at the next conference, she “will find every opportunity to discuss this issue should it be available, and I will also write our local representatives and tell them this is a hot mess.”
Mayor Marl suggested at the conference it would be great for council, “if there is a legislative panel to voice our consternation and concern and hope that MML can advocate on our behalf to members of the state senate, house and the governor’s office to make the appropriate modifications to the existing statute.”
Our city council does not seem to understand that Proposal 2 was a voter-led initiative that was passed by 60% of the voters in Michigan - including Saline constituents. It was advanced through the system, onto the ballot, and into law, by the people of Michigan.
Those are the “knuckleheads” they were talking about.
The people of Michigan were not concerned about how it was going to be implemented -that is the job of our elected officials. The people of Michigan availed themselves of the democratic process to put a law in place that secured their rights. It is State and Council’s job to implement the process. It was not their job to comment on what they thought about it while live-streaming on YouTube. I found it inappropriate and very out of touch with their own voters to see them essentially complaining about having to fulfill their duties.
Proposal 2 not only provided early voting, it also recognized and solidified several other important voting rights such as; the fundamental right to vote without harassing conduct, requiring military or overseas ballots be counted if postmarked by Election Day, voter rights to verify identity with photo ID or signed statement, right to single application to vote absentee in all elections, required state-funded absentee-ballot drop boxes, postage for absentee applications and ballots, that only election officials may conduct post-election audits, and allow all donations to fund elections be disclosed. It was a landmark effort by the people.
This is why I find the statements by Mayor Marl and Councilman Ceo particularly troubling. It illustrates local government’s arrogance that they know better than the people. Their actions have real consequences.
For instance, on September 28, 2023, eleven Michigan lawmakers filed a lawsuit with the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan. The lawsuit claims the changes in election policy that were approved by voters, Proposal 3 in 2018 and Proposal 2 in 2022, violated the U.S. Constitution, which says that state legislatures are to set the time, place and manner of conducting elections. This lawsuit is a direct attack on the will of the voters.
Our municipal government has a lack of accountability, a disconnect with the community, and displays inappropriate broadcasting of personal opinion from those in positions of authority. Listening to and actually following through on constituents needs and concerns should be paramount. When errors or missteps occur, it is important to acknowledge them and accept responsibility to maintain the public’s trust and respect.
Those in city positions conceivably hold power over others. Therefore they must be very careful expressing their personal views, opinions, and grievances in public forums. It is unethical and inequitable to use that position for personal benefit. This is not to say politicians can’t express themselves, but the nature of the career they chose requires that they be more mindful when doing so.
This letter does not endorse/detract any candidates for any election positions. My concerns are the practices and standards of the city government as a whole.
Thank you.
Libby Williams
Imagine telling the people who elected you to shut up and listen, because Latin. Tone-deaf responses are common in representatives who see themselves as orators or benevolent lords instead of public servants. The audience is the community you serve, not hecklers at a gig. If their comments are ruining your day, you're in the wrong job.
Thank you Libby for expressing your concerns about our local government. Hopefully they read your letter and change the way they view the residents of Saline whom they serve.
Thank you, Libby. I 100% concur. I've witnessed Marl be condescending to other commenters during council meetings, and it is a disturbing trend.
Well done Libby. You hit the nail right on the head. The arrogance at city hall has run amok. Starts at the center of the dais and doesn’t stop there. The council mtg regarding the Police dispatch change was a an absolute waste of time. Council had already made their decision and no public comment or opinion was even considered. This is typical of the ongoing dysfunction of city government. Their will be NO CHANGE until we vote for it. Get rid of the cronyism at Saline City Hall !
”Only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance “
A. Einstein
Thank you for sharing this post! I share these views and feel that mayor and council need to remember the purpose of their roles: to serve the citizens of Saline.
A recent article about our water rates only going up 7% this year was another example of how the city operates. At what city council meeting was this discussed? Sounds like it’s already been decided.
The article also referenced a 25% increase from last year, but some of us saw our bills triple to insane amounts (like $1600) with NO explanation why.
We also have city council members placing their own children in Saline’s unpaid internship opportunities. And thinking this is okay.
The mayor recently shared his personal views about how citizens should vote per city council candidates, dragging one candidate’s name through the mud.
It’s not okay. None of this is okay.
I agree completely. My water bill went up 25% before too! I thought some candidates said in the forum that no new rate hike would happen? Marl’s Op-Ed was appalling, & I told him so. He then chose to argue with me in the comments. 🙄
Yes, we were present at a council meeting where Mr. Marl treated the audience member very condescendingly. He wanted to silence this women, but instead embarrassed himself
Everyone on council agrees with voting rights. It’s not AT ALL what we were referring to. We were referring to the implementation and that the state isn’t giving cities any choice but to push their constituents to other locations to early vote. You can’t early vote in Saline with how this consortium is divided. I, for one, find that a burden on voters. Folks without transportation or the ability to take time off work, still can’t early vote. They also did not give any additional money to municipalities to ease the burden of hosting early voting cites within the city.
That’s what we’re upset about.
Context is key.
Jack Ceo’s full opening commentary,”When I read this, I was struck with an immense feeling of… I guess, to say in plain English, who is the knucklehead that proposed this kind of legislation in our state? How do they think this is not… It seems to me like an absentee vote certainly accomplished what this is trying to accomplish; without all the expense, without all the turmoil, without all the possibility for lost votes, for confusion in the poll books on, and on and on. I worked the absentee count, as you know, over the years, so I’m somewhat familiar with the way the voting process works or DID work. Now it seems like they’re trying to make it not work! It just struck me as totally ludicrous and I guess that’s all I have to say.” This is not commentary on state legislation. He is directly giving his opinion on why he believes the early voting process is unnecessary.
Here are some facts pertaining to our recent City Council meeting – I will also post the video link below, so residents can objectively evaluate these matters for themselves. Disclosure should negate several of the assertions made in this recent op-ed.
September 18, 2023 - Dispatch
Absolutely, go to YouTube and watch the meeting. I watched it several times.
The City Government members commenting here and on Facebook seem very upset that I am quoting the actual meeting, and expressing my concern regarding communication by the city to the community. Why aren’t they addressing that issue?
I feel that instead of acknowledging the issues the city has, or the complaints I and other community members have, I am now being chastised for pointing out the problems. There is no accountability, acknowledgment of errors, or building of trust.
Who's upset? I'm not - criticism is part of the job. BTW, as the author of this op-ed, are you choosing to argue with me in the comment section here?!? LOL - you literally just criticized me for doing the same - note your comment of 12:09 pm today. No one's public comments were negated, and frankly, you couldn't be more wrong about Mrs. Hess - please re-watch the video. At this juncture, you are arguing in defense of someone who blatantly interrupted a public meeting. The response was appropriate considering the outburst. Mrs. Hess spent more than 20 years on City Council - she knows the rules. Also, our guidelines and protocols do allow, and on occasion encourage, clarifications and/or responses from staff or Council members, subsequent to public comments. If you'd like to discuss any of these matters further, feel free to call or email my office - I prefer, and find in-person/direct discussion far more beneficial & productive. Have a great rest of your afternoon --
No one will ever win fighting Saline City Hall until WE ALL vote for drastic change. The ego driven incumbents will continue to govern with no true concern of public opinion.
VOTE accordingly !
You still fail to see the major difference in our positions. I’m not the mayor. My opinions don’t hold the same sway, which is why publicizing yours for political gain was inappropriate. It is also why the balance of power is important to point out when the Mayor is choosing to comment on my posts. You are also still not listening or acknowledging any points I might have made; instead focusing on only defending yourself. “Subsequent” means ‘after,’ you interrupted public comment to inject your own. You apologized for doing so as well, so that indicates an awareness of the rudeness and irregularity of doing so.