Gallery: Saline Opens SEC Season With 2 Wins at Brookside


The Saline varsity golf team opened the SEC season by defeating Tecumseh and Lincoln Tuesday at Brookside Golf Course.

Saline scored 168 on the day to easily win the tournament.

Saline’s top four golfers were all shot 45 or better, while the best anyone on Lincoln or Tecumseh shot was 45.

Sydney Page, sidelined by illness Monday, returned and led the Hornets with the low score of 40. Stephanie Schick shot 41. Molly Pribble shot 42 and Catherine Loftus shot 45 to complete the Hornet scoring.

Allie Cropsey (51) and Marge Wood (56) also golfed for the varsity team.

“We’re off to a good start,” said Saline golf head coach Debbie Williams-Hoak. “We won one tournament, placed third in another and won our first SEC event.”

Coach Williams-Hoak said the team has room to improve.

“We’re golfing OK, but we’ve got a lot of room to improve. We always plan to hit our stride a little later in the year,” she said.

Emily Woodman, Sophie Wood, Izzy Chebadi, Allie Weina, Sam Richardson and Alexis Farquharson golfed for the Saline junior varsity team.

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