What to do in Saline - Tuesday, Mar 11 - Monday, Mar 17


The weather is going to be on point, so let's have some fun! Spring is in the air.


17 events this week on our calendar: Tuesday, Mar 11 - Monday, Mar 17

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- Sun Mar 16 1:30 pm

St. Andrew the Apostle Church

Learn about new, reliable evidence on practical ways every person can decrease their risk of dementia. Learn also about new drugs that are beginning to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s, and the implications they have for eventually conquering this leading killer. FREE and open to the public. [more details]


Other Events

Walking Yoga - Mon Mar 10 12:00 pm

Saline District Library

Join yoga instructor Jo Ann Yates for yoga stretching and a walk.
This 3-week class series will take place outside*, so bring a water bottle to stay hydrated, and wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes. You will want to layer up your clothing because we do walk into the woods, stopping at different locations to practice… [more details]

Adventures in Bookland - Mon Mar 10 4:30 pm

Saline District Library

A book discussion group for independent readers; discuss the books and participate in themed activities. We are reading Sparkly New Friends (Unicorn and Yeti) by Heather Ayris Burnell this month.
Please visit the youth desk to pick up a copy to read before the book discussion.
Kindergarten - 2nd grade. Click here to… [more details]

Stitches & Knots: Knitting and Crochet - Mon Mar 10 6:30 pm

Saline District Library

Join us monthly for a knitting and crochet group! All skill levels are welcome - if you have learned the basics and want tips or are experienced and want some company while you create, this is the group for you. This is an informal and welcoming group and a chance to meet others interested in fiber arts.
No registration… [more details]

D&D for Teens - Tue Mar 11 3:00 pm

Saline District Library

Come hang out in the program room and enjoy a classic game of D&D!No registration is required.

[more details]

Whimsical Wednesday Storytime - Wed Mar 12 9:30 am

Saline District Library

Fun with stories, rhymes, songs, and more, developing early literacy skills with our young friends and their caregivers.
Registration for this storytime session will be for all dates: March 5, 12, and 19. Contact the library if you will be absent any week.
Ages 3-5. Click here to register. 

[more details]

Open Art for Teens - Wed Mar 12 3:00 pm

Saline District Library

Teens are welcome to come create, color, and craft at the library from 3-4 PM on Wednesdays!
No registration is required.

[more details]

Wild Readers Book Club - Wed Mar 12 4:30 pm

Saline District Library

A book discussion group for independent readers; discuss the books and participate in themed activities. Selections will rotate… [more details]

Trivia Night: A Puzzling Trivia Topic! - Wed Mar 12 5:00 pm

Saline District Library

Join us on Crowdpurr every second Wednesday of the month for a fun-filled night of trivia!
Crosswords, word search, jumbles,… [more details]

GriefShare Grief Support Meeting - Thu Mar 13 4:00 pm

Christ Our King Lutheran Church

Grieving the loss of someone close to you?
Find comfort and support at GriefShare. It is a 13-week grief support group that you can join at any time! 𝐏L𝐄A𝐒E J𝐎I𝐍 𝐔S T𝐡u𝐫s𝐝a𝐲s f𝐫o𝐦 4 P𝐌 𝐭o 6 𝐏M in Room 12.
No need to register. You are welcome to begin attending the GriefShare group at any session. Each is “self-contained,” so you do not have to attend in sequence.
At a weekly GriefShare meeting, you will view a video featuring respected counselors, teachers, and healthcare professionals on… [more details]

Civil Air Patrol Open House - Thu Mar 13 7:00 pm

Army Reserve Center

Come meet our cadets and leaders and hear first-hand what it's like to be a cadet or adult member. Learn about incredible opportunities including leadership development, flying, STEM, summer activities, and academic scholarships. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend as well to hear about teen and adult programs.email: info@a2cap.orgwebsite: a2cap.org [more details]

Family Fun Storytime - Fri Mar 14 10:30 am

Saline District Library

Fun with stories, rhymes, songs, and more, developing early literacy skills with our friends and their caregivers.
Ages 0-7… [more details]

KofC 6674 Lenten Fish Fry - Fri Mar 14 4:00 pm

St. Andrew Parish Hall

Fish Fry: Saline Knights of Columbus. Baked tilapia, beer-battered fried cod, salad, fries, beverages, homemade cheesy potatoes, broccoli salad, coleslaw, mac & cheese, and "bake sale" for $1 (desserts). 4-7 p.m., St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, 910 Austin, Saline. $19 Adults, $14 for seniors, $9 kids (7-12) and under 7 free. [more details]

Sound Bath Meditation - Fri Mar 14 7:00 pm

Breathe Yoga Chelsea

A Dreamscape Sound Bath is a deeply immersive experience designed to transport you into a state of relaxation and heightened awareness. The sound frequencies and vibrations can help guide your mind into a relaxed, almost meditative state, similar to the sensations one might experience in a dream. It’s meant to evoke feelings of peacefulness, clarity, and introspection, often helping to release tension and provide a deep sense of inner calm.

Thought to help heal depression, anxiety, chronic… [more details]

Home, Garden and Lifestyle Show - Sat Mar 15 9:00 am

Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds

Saturday 9am-6pm & Sunday 10am-5pm
The biggest and longest running Home Show in the Ann Arbor Area. Featuring around 120 exhibitors including builders, suppliers, designers and tradespeople, and many more resources to help improve your home. Whatever you are building - inside and out - we can help. Our 33rd annual Home Show is your opportunity to connect with trusted professionals and find inspiration and information for your projects. Enjoy concessions and consider sitting in on scheduled… [more details]

Puzzle Swap Pick-Up - Sat Mar 15 10:00 am

Saline District Library

Donate a puzzle, take a puzzle!
Bring your gently used puzzles (with no missing pieces!) to the Reference Desk anytime between March 1-21, and you'll receive a ticket good for a puzzle of similar size (or smaller).
Then come back for the Puzzle Swap Pick-Up on Saturday, March 22 from 2-4 pm to turn in your ticket for a new puzzle! The first hour of swap will… [more details]

YTown Hoolies Play Dan's in Saline - Sat Mar 15 5:30 pm

Dan's Downtown Tavern

Enjoy the Y-Town Hoolies celebrate "St. Patrice" Day at Dans. [more details]

You're in the loop! For more things to do, or to post your own event, visit our Community Calendar.

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